Hello, Goodbye
Choreography: Arne Stakkestad arne.stakkestad@pandora.be https://arnestakkestad.tripod.com/arnestakkestad/
Type: 4 wall, intermediate linedance, 32 counts en 16 counts bridge
Music: Hello, Goodbye Carol Lyne http://www.carol-lyne.com/
BPM: 120
Intro: 16
counts, clap hands right above head on counts 7 and 8, clap hands left above head on counts 15 and 16
Order of dance:
chorus (32+32), bridge (16), 32+28, chorus (32+32), bridge (16), 32+28, chorus (32+32),32,
chorus (32+32), 12, bridge (17)
Right shuffle forward, ½ turn left and left shuffle forward,
Heel step right, heel step left, step back, step together
Step Right forward, Left beside Right, Right forward
½ left and Left forward, Right beside Left, Left forward (6h)
Right diagonal right forward on heel, Left diagonal forward on heel
Right step back, Left beside Right
Wave Right Hand on counts 1&2 and wave Left Hand on counts 3&4 during the chorus (Hello,
on walls 1,2 5,6, 9,10,12 and 13
Right shuffle forward, ½ turn left and left shuffle forward,
Right forward and bumps, left forward and bumps
Step Right forward, Left beside Right, Right forward
&11&12 ½
left and Left forward, Right beside Left, Left forward (12h)
Bridge at the 14th wall (3h), stomp and clap on counts 15, 16, 17 (3 times as ending)
Right forward and bump hips right, left, right
Left forward and bump hips left, right, left
Right side toe
strut, left side toe strut, cross toe strut, ½ left and left side toe strut
Right touch toe to side, heel down and click fingers right
Left touch toe to side, heel down and click fingers left
Right cross touch over Left, heel down and click fingers right
&23-24 ½
left and Left touch toe to side, heel down and click fingers left (6h)
¼ pivot, full turn, touch forward, step back, touch back, step forward
Right step forward, 1/ 4 left and weight on Left
½ left and Right back, ½ left and Left forward
Restart at walls 4 and 8 (12h)
Right sweep and touch forward, Right sweep and step back
Left sweep and touch back, Left sweep and step forward (3h)
Bridge (instrumental) after wall 2 (6h), after wall 6 (6h), after count 12 during wall 14 (3h)
Right chasse,
½ turn right and left chasse, ½ turn right and right chasse, stomps and claps
Right to side, Left beside Right, Right to side
½ right and Left to side, Right beside Left, Left to side
½ right and Right to side, Left beside Right, Right to side
Left stomp beside Right and clap Hands right, Left stomp beside Right and clap Hands right
Left chasse,
½ turn left and right chasse, ½ turn left and left chasse, stomps and claps
9-10 Left to side, Right beside Left, Left to side
&11&12 ½ left
and Right to side, Left beside Right, Right to side
&13&14 ½ left and Left
to side, Right beside Left, Left to side
15-16 Right
stomp beside Left and clap Hands left, Right stomp beside Left and clap Hands left