Arne Stakkestad

I will survive (English)
My Special Dance Acts
Tante Sylvia
Mallorca 2007
Bretagne & Normandie 2008
Zuid Frankrijk 2008
Zuid-Frankrijk 2009
Gardameer 2010
Gardameer 2011
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I will survive


Choreography: Shauni Stakkestad

Type: 32 counts, 2 wall linedance, novice

Music: I will survive, Gloria Gaynor

BPM: 112

Info: start the dance on the beat, 1 bridge 8 counts after wall 8


Walk, mambostep ½ turn right, walk, mambostep

1-2         Right step forward, Left step forward

3&4        Right rock forward, recover on Left, ½ right and Right step forward  (6h)

5-6          LV voor, RV voor

7&8        Left rock forward, recover on Right, Left step beside Right


Shuffle backwards turn ½ right x 2, kick ball change x 2

9&10      ¼ right and Right side step, Left step beside Right, ¼ right and Right step forward (12h)

11&12    ¼ right and Left side step, Right step beside Left, ¼ right and Left step back  (6h)

13&14    Right kick forward, Right on ball beside Left, Left step beside Right

15&16    Right kick forward, Right on ball beside Left, Left step beside Right


Pivot, shufflle, hip bumps

17-18       Right step forward, ½ left and weight on Left  (12h)

19&20     Right step forward, Left step beside Right, Right step forward

21&22      Left step forward and bump hips 2 x left

23&24      Right step forward and bump hips 2 x Right


 Touch forward, side, forward, hook and ½ turn left, shuffle, full turn

25-26        Left touch toe forward, Left touch toe to left side

27&28       Left touch toe forward, Left hook before Right and ½ left  (6h)

29&30       Left step forward, Right step beside left, Left step forward

31&32       ½ left and Right step back, ½ left and Left step forward (6h)



Bridge  after wall 8 (when the beat stops)

1-2    Bend head back, both hands on forehead  (oooooooh)

3-8    hold for 6 counts and put weight on Left, keep hands on forehead





